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Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI) x86 (Build 7601) SP1

By rafael gutierrez - miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011 No Comments
Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI)
MUI | Oficial MS | 94MB | Spanish | x86 & x64 | Free
Language Interface Pack le permitira cambiar el idioma de su sistema operativo Windows Seven al español, el pack de idioma funciona tanto para versiones 32bits como 64bits.
Si buscas mas idiomas lo puedes descargar del este link. El proceso de instalación se inicia por ir a control panel>> Clock Language and Region > Change display Language > Install/Unistall language > Browse your computer en la pestaña elejir español.

Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI) x86 (Build 7601) SP1
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Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI) x64 (Build 7601) SP1
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Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI) x86 (Build 7600)
Rapidshare | Megaupload | Freakshare | DepositFiles | UB | HotFile | Uploaded
Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI) x64 (Build 7600)
Rapidshare | Megaupload | Freakshare | DepositFiles | UB | HotFile | Uploaded
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Rapidshare | Megaupload | Easy-Share | DepositFiles | HotFile | Ziddu

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Windows 7 Language Interface Pack Español (MUI)
x64 (Build 7048)
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SendSpace | GigaSize

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