El archivo es una imagen lista para quemar en un CD o emular.
Cambios desde la version anterior:
+ Partition Wizard Home Edition 4.2.2
- EASEUS Partition Master
+ EasyUHA 1.0
+ Fix HDC
+ BlueScreenView 1.20
+ NTFS Access 2.1
+ Dr.Web CureIt! Antivirus (2302)
- Kaspersky Virus Removal
+ Explore2fs 1.08b
+ Defragger 3.9a
- DefragNT 1.9
+ Fat32 Formatter GUI 1.01
+ TightVNC 1.3.10
+ GImageX 2.0.17
- Winternals Disk Commander 2001
- Norton Disk Doctor/Editor 2002
+ Darik’s Boot and Nuke (DBAN) 1.0.7
+ MBR Utility 1.05
- Ontrack Disk Manager
Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer 080526
MBRWork 1.08
PC-Check 6.21
TrueCrypt 6.3a
Ghost 11.5.1
SuperAntispyware 4.34 (2302)
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.44 (2302)
Double Driver 3.0
Partition Saving 3.80
7-Zip 9.10b
Opera Web Browser 8.54
CCleaner 2.28
SeaTools for Dos GUI 2.17
Active Kill Disk 4.1.2393
ProduKey 1.40
WirelessKeyView 1.33
MessenPass 1.30
Mail PassView 1.55
Recuva 1.35
Unstoppable Copier 4.4
Autoruns 9.57
HijackThis 2.0.3b
Astra 5.45
HWiNFO 5.3.5
PC Wizard 2010.1.93
SIW 2010-02-10
CPU-Z 1.53
GPU-Z 0.3.9
USBDeview 1.56
Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.9
Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.1
Pointsec Filter Driver 6.3.1
UnknownDevices 1.4.20 (2302)
PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (2302)
PCI and AGP info Tool (2302)
SpywareBlaster 4.2 (2302)
ComboFix (2302)
Spybot – Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (2302)
Detalles de la descarga:
Hosting: Megaupload-Rapidshare-Hotfile
Tamaño: 180.35MB (dos partes, una de 100MB y otra de 80.35MB)
Compresion: WinRAR
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