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Prosicar TPV

By Admin - viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2007 No Comments
Prosicar TPV es un completo programa de gestión de un terminal punto de venta para cualquier tipo de tienda o comercio.


  • Cajones portamonedas y visores, sencilla funcionalidad.
  • Datos mostrados de manera clara, multiempresa, control de almacén.
  • Clientes, proveedores, representantes, ventas, compras, tesorería, cierres de caja.
  • Impresion de tickets y facturas configurables, listados, multitud de informes.
  • Rápida configuración para impresoras de tickets.
  • (Almacén, clientes, proveedores, tickets, ventas, compras, tesorería)
  • Modificación masiva de datos, recibos para bancos, traspaso de datos, etc.

Como el resto de programas Prosicar, TPV dispone de listín telefónico, agenda y eurocalculadora, herramientas muy útiles a la hora de realizar este tipo de gestiones.

Prosicar TPV is to software of Terminal Commercial Management, Point of leaves and for Warehouse all type of commerce. It there are the following you modulate: Warehouse (9 tariffs of prices, control of stock, table of discounts, percentage of taxes, calculation of benefit, etc), Clients (grouping of clients by zones, associated representative, mode of payment that you use the client, etc), Suppliers (mode of payment that to supplier you use, discount soon payment by defect, table of discounts, type of taxes, etc)

Representatives (percentage of commission, calculation of the commission from the total of the invoice or the tax basis, etc), Salts (Tickets, Budgets, Invoices Pro forms, Orders of Clients, Letters patents and Invoices. Etc), Purchases (Requested to Suppliers, Letters patents of Purchase and Invoices of Purchase, etc), Treasury (with Cases out of Boxes pages of statistics, accumulated and graphical for months, etc).
Listings and Information (Listed of all the totally configurables you case out, etc) for Utilities the massive article modification, etc

Idioma-Language: Only Spanish

Tamaño: 10.2 MB

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